Buy Buy Baby – After The Holidays

Christmas is over and here at buy buy baby coupons we are sad for such a joyous time to be over.  But with the New Year here you can definitely pickup some great items very cheap.  Buy buy baby coupons wanted to make a list of the top five items you might want to pick up with all the sales and clearances still going on.

Buy buy baby coupons is always in search of great products that will help not hinder and I will explain the reasons for my choices further down.  Here are buy buy baby coupons five top picks:

1. Kolcraft Tour Sport Umbrella Stroller
2. Munchkin Deluxe Bottle Warmer
3. Color Explosion Glow Board w/ Clings
4. Colorform sets
5. Color Me Mine Backpack/Messenger Bag

As you already know, buy buy baby coupons is always in search and trying out strollers.  I have to say that nothing comes close to the Kolcraft Tour Sport in the umbrella stroller category.  I have had this stroller for 3 years.  The Kolcraft Tour Sport Umbrella Stroller is exclusively sold at Disney World.  It costs around $50’ish, I know pretty expensive for an umbrella stroller but it is well worth it.  It has a sturdy compact design, adjustable canopy, cup holder, mesh storage bag and it can recline.  The reclining feature is excellent and you can’t find that in any other umbrella stroller.  Buy buy baby coupons highly recommends this item.

Buy buy baby coupons second choice is the Munchkin Deluxe Bottle Warmer.  Like the Kolcraft Tour Sport Umbrella Stroller, these are good products for travel, for instance a trip to Disney.  I used this product just for such trips to heat up milk not food, so I can’t review it on that part.  I read mixed comments on warming in glass bottles so I was a bit hesitant in purchasing because I only use glass bottles.  I had no problems.  There were no explosions, which seems to be the number one fear expressed in the reviews.  I never had an issue with it not warming up the milk, if anything you had to be carefully it wasn’t too hot.  Attention needs to be paid to the instructions, in particular the measurement of water needed for the ounces you intend to heat up.  If you follow the instructions you shouldn’t have a problem and it comes with a convenient small reminder sheet with the measurements.  I also did experience that weird grimy residue that so alarmed many other reviewers.  I found that a proper cleaning after each use did away with the issue.  Not sure what that residue is but probably from the special heating plate used.  It certainly didn’t bother me because I’m using glass bottles and that lessens the worries of leaching.

The last three picks on my list, the Crayola Color Explosion Glow Board, Colorform sets, and the Color Me Mine – Backpack/Messenger Bag, are items the buy buy baby coupons kids received for Christmas.  These items were a huge hit with the kids.  The Color Explosion Glow Board has provided hours of fun in drawing 3-D glow in the dark scenes.  Colorforms were the comeback toy from yesteryears, an oldie favorite.  There is such a huge variety of sets and games of colorforms that you just can’t go wrong.  The Color Me Mine – Backpack/Messenger Bag was a pleasant surprise.  You can find them at places like Walgreens and Hobby Lobby.  Very well designed backpacks, which come in different sizes, and messenger bags that have designs that can be painted to the taste of the child with permanent markers; a fashion statement for any fashionista in training.

Buy Buy Baby Coupons – First Christmas

The holidays are fast approaching and the buy buy baby coupons blog is gearing up to talk all about it.  If you receive the Bed Bath & Beyond flyers in the mail, you have noticed that tucked inside is a flyer for buy buy baby.  This a major change in policy considering that you had to sign up with them in order to receive a flyer and now it seems they are mailing it out automatically with the Bed Bath & Beyond circulars.  So if check with your friends to see if they have received any so they can set them aside for you.

In this November circular I got $5 of a $15 buy buy baby coupon.  This seems to be the standard coupon they offer like with Bed Bath & Beyond coupons.  The buy buy baby coupons can be used towards some great toy deals or other baby items, like strollers or car seats.  One of the items that caught my eye is the Classic Walker Wagon by Radio Flyer.  It is great for beginner walkers and who can really resist such a classic.  If you are looking for crib they have a super value deal on a Conordia Convertible Crib by Delta for $199.99.

Buy buy baby coupons blog has recommended in previous articles to sign up for the buy buy baby email list and if you have you should have received the latest buy buy baby email advertisement on the new holiday outfits.  They have an adorable Santa Fleece Footie along with a huge holiday inspired assortment of footed sleepers.  If you are looking for the “my first Christmas” clothing items, here is the place to go.  Most items are under $10 bucks, so if you apply your buy buy baby coupons you can pick up three items for the price of two.

Buy Buy Baby Coupons E-Postcard

Buy buy baby coupons blog received an awesome e-postcard from buy buy baby with some great holiday gift ideas.  I was so excited by all the great stuff being offered that I just had to write about it.  I have been holding onto my buy buy baby coupons for just such a moment.

One of the hot items that the buy buy baby coupons blog caught sight of is the Step2 Inflatable Playhouse and/or Fort.  We all would like our kids to have a playhouse or a fort but we may not have the room for it.  The Inflatable Playhouse can be the answer to your prayers.  It has a large interior space with a side open wall, a doorway, and the best part it deflates and stores easily.  The price is around $40 and if you use a buy buy baby coupon to purchase the item you will get it for less. Sounds like a winner to the buy buy baby coupons blog.

If you have a Mickey Mouse fanatic in your house, the buy buy baby coupons blog recommends the Disney Classics Mickey Mouse Book.  It is a hardcover 20 page book staring Mickey Mouse and friends heading out some adventures.  They also have Peter Pan, Aladdin, Lion King, Princesses and an assortment of Disney characters.  Plus for under $8 this makes a great stocking stuffer and buy buy baby coupons blog highly recommends it.  You can never read enough to your children.