Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear – Blue It Review

My first beauty product review is of Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Blue It (250). This was my very first nail polish. I picked this stunning blue up at Ulta on clearance. It is almost like a royal blue with a bit of shimmer to it. The formula is wonderful. It wasn’t runny or streaky.

I started off by doing a pedicure and one coat was all it took; pardon the cleanup job. I added a decal, which made the pedicure even pop more. Clearly Spock approves … lol …

I still couldn’t get enough of this color and opted to do a manicure. I had also just picked up a set of Mash dotting tools (review coming in the future). I did a clear base coat using Sally Hansen Green Tea + Bamboo Strengthener, which is a base and topcoat (review coming in the future). I placed tape on the diagonal to cover part of my nail and the exposed part painted with Blue It (250). One coat is all it took. Then added black and white alternating dots. Covered with the Green Tea + Bamboo Strengthener and was done. This manicure lasted over a week with no chips. I was truly amazed.

Since I am into stamping I wanted to share a sample of how Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear – Blue It performs as a stamping polish. I placed a quick swatch of black polish and white polish over my tester stone (thanks so much to soguesswhat11 for that fantastic idea, check her out on youtube). It picks up nicely on the stamper and transfers well on white but does not show up well on the black. So a thumbs up on light colors and thumbs down on dark colors. The image stamped is from Bundle Monster plate BM06.

I give Sally Hansen – Blue It 5 brains