I’ve been so behind in posting that I have a handful of Christmas manicures that I did in 2013 that I did write a post about. I put the pictures up on my instagram, twitter and the facebook page when I did them. So now I’m back tracking and posting up the steps and polished used.
This manicure was a test in using my non-dominant hand and I did these on 12/2/13. I decided to do Christmas trees. I used a rhinestone wheel, nail art brush, Pure Ice Jaguar, Ulta Envy, China Glaze Winter Holly, and Color Club top coat. 
I did two coats of Jaguar.

Using the nail art brush I did a triangle shape using Envy then topped it with Winter Holly. My proportions were all off and I should have used tape to get a better line but oh well. 

I added some red rhinestones at the top and then finished it off with top coat. 
I wasn’t very happy with how it came out but the only way to improve using my left hand is to keep at it.